There are no shortage of opinions on market expectations in 2024.

Our thoughts for 2024 include that there will likely be a few twists around actual vs. expected earnings, along with the degree and timing of interest rate cuts. This is a reminder of why we maintain prudent diversification in portfolios and are conscious of the impact of higher interest rates on all asset classes. If rates stay higher for longer, this negatively impacts earnings and the value of companies.


Worry of Blind Optimism in 2024.

Often, we see blind optimism perpetuated in the financial industry that typically tends to build asset bubbles. Bubbles are fine, until they aren’t.  We can all be guilty of cherry-picking data to support a narrative. A balanced approach considers what could go wrong as well as right. Proper diversification includes insurance against our own opinions.

What we feel are important considerations in 2024.

·  Staying on the short end of the yield curve for now, this may change as 2024 evolves.

·  Being hyper-aware of the credit quality of any debt investment we own, public or private, only the highest quality qualifies.

·  Being cautious of excessive optimism and keeping balance and diversification. We have an agenda for staying safer when the risks are not tilted in our favour.

·  Investments need to be tailored to you. You are not the market, nor should you strive to be. Please reach out if you have any questions about your portfolio.

Three important factors.

Our strategies always have these three things in common that require constant vigilance: reducing risk, optimizing income, and capturing growth. We are ready for 2024 and confident in the outcome.


Elevate Wealth Management

“Elevating Peace of Mind”