ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022, and reached over 100 million active users by January, making it the fastest app in history to reach this level of engagement. What is it and how will it help the average person?

Bill Gates recently stated that “In my lifetime, I’ve seen two demonstrations of technology that struck me as revolutionary. The first time was in 1980, when I was introduced to a graphical user interface – the forerunner of every modern operating system, including Windows … the second big surprise came last year from OpenAI (the firm that created ChatGPT).”

ChatGPT is a program with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with technology. It uses generative AI to understand prompts and questions - and generate new content that is similar to what humans produce.

One of the primary benefits is that it can provide quick and detailed answers to questions on a wide range of topics, so people can get the information they seek without having to spend time researching or reading long documents. It may save people time by automating tasks and providing personalized recommendations, and also leverage the capabilities of people at work, which could lead to significant productivity growth in many industries.

While ChatGPT has many potential benefits, there are also negative aspects to consider. One potential negative is that ChatGPT is only as good as the data it is provided with. If the training data is biased or contains misinformation, ChatGPT may generate responses that are inaccurate or misleading. As with anything on the internet, one must use judgment – and perhaps further research – to determine the source of the information and whether the answer is factual or opinion.

However, the new capabilities of generative AI will likely be highly beneficial for many people. Google transformed our world with amazing search capabilities, directing users to websites that likely had the information being sought. Generative AI could take search and content creation to a whole new level.

Check out this video to see what the next level of search looks like.